2009年10月19日 星期一

[專輯快報] CunninLynguists - Strange Journey Vol. 2

如果你喜歡節奏感很強烈又有創新的嘻哈饒舌音樂,我想CunninLynguists這個地下團體的專輯肯定是你必定聽過的東西,在十一月三號要推出官方新作品''Strange Journey Vol. 2''。除了自家廠牌QN5旗下歌手Tonedeff, Substantial跨刀外,還有舊金山歌手E-40助陣,最近展露頭角的獨立藝人Freddie Gibbs和地下饒舌圈老將Sean Price, Evidence等。跨刀製作人包括J-ZoneBlue Sky Black Death。目前推出的單曲是[Running Wild]。曲目/跨刀陣容請繼續閱讀。

1. Departure – Part 2 [Intro]
2. Imperial (ft. Freddie Gibbs)
3. Substantial (ft. Extended Famm) – The WWKYA Tour [Remix]
4. Streets (ft. Sean Price & Poison Pen)
5. Heart
6. To Be For Real
7. Cashmere The PRO (ft. Deacon The Villain) – Tear Trax
8. Jermiside (ft. Deacon The Villain) – Still With Me [Remix]
9. Close Your Eyes (ft. Geologic of Blue Scholars, Grieves & Macklemore)
10. Pit Stop
11. The Park (Fresh Air) [Blue Sky Black Death Remix]
12. Nothing To Give [Live] (ft. Club Dub)
13. Cocaine [製作:J-Zone]
14. Running Wild (ft. E-40 and Evidence of Dilated Peoples) [Running Wild]下載試聽
15. Witchdoctor (ft. Deacon The Villain) – Everywhere
16. Arrival [Outro]

